There is so much more spiritual depth within this story than I realized. Thank you for elucidating the inner meaning.

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I hope the Lord smiles upon you brother, and upon me as well. I know that I am not holy enough to deserve His love. I just pray that I can work to renounce my sins and deserve the love given to me.

May we who wrestle with God become holy.

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To see my sins and the true depth of my depravity and yet not despair, is no easy task. A balance I'm currently struggling to learn how to do without falling to the one side of carelessness or to the other of hopelessness. Lord have mercy!

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The Royal Path is the most difficult one there is, but it is also the only one that leads to Paradise. And even the path itself is more beautiful and meaningful than anything else this life can offer… may God give us both the strength to walk it well.

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